Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Someday i am going to learn
how to say No.
how to say what i'm thinking
never what i'm feeling
because i am still trying to learn
what that is again.

someday i am going to learn
Who i am
and what i Want
because in the end my capitalization is not
sporadic like you think
but has a purpose
a meaning
and a reason for getting up in the morning.

i wish i could pretend i wasn't
living my life to
spite the heck
out of the ghosts of my past.
like maybe i was driven by ambition
not the
deep-seeded desire to prove
that i
can be Someone
be Something
not just a broken girl
they left on the walk to

ripped wings
torn dreams
i traded in for purpose.
a scarred lip
a broken wall
and all the little things in life
that don't seem quite

1 comment:

  1. Someday, somehow, we're gonna make it alright, but not. right. now.

    until that day.

    we're both on the same page. and God will open the doors.
